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Arctic Winter Games 2016, starter allerede om et halvt år. I den anledning, holdte AWG2016 en generalprøve i søndags, hvor op mod 1000 mennesker mødte op, i Nuuks bymidte. Vejret var kedeligt, overskyet med regn. Men det holdte ikke de mange deltagere, fra at gøre generalprøven til en spændende og sjov event!
Folk mødte op glade og med højt humør, med god musik i baggrunden.
Optoget startede i Nuuk centrum, hvor de frivillige blev delt op i de repræsenterede lande, som skal deltage til Arctic Winter Games i marts 2016.

Join Feel Jump
Et Join Feel Jump billede blev taget, da alle deltagerne var samlet. Op mod 1000 deltagere, hoppede på samme tid mens musikken lød i bagrunden.
Derfra gik de mod kultur huset Katuaq og videre op til Inussivik. Folk var glade og hilste på alle de mødte på deres vej.
I Inussivik blev tema sangen for AWG2016 præsenteret på storskærm. Temasangen ”We Are The Arctic”, blev lavet af grønlandske pop/rock gruppe Small Time Giants. Alle deltagerne tog rigtig godt imod sangen, og klappede lystent med.
Deriblandt var der også underholdning, i form af strubesang og trommer. Der var fed stemning og højt humør, hele eventet igennem.
Derudover blev der overrakt præmier, til vinderne af lodtrækningen af alle deltagere. Præmierne var blandt andet, sportstasker fra GrønlandsBanken, en kurv fra Mentorix, gavekort til Pisiffik, AWG merchandise fra Torrak Fashion, Bose høretelefoner, Ipad Mini og Iphone 6+.
Den rigtige åbningsceremoni begynder den 6. marts 2016 og allerede nu, kan det mærkes at folk glæder sig.

It is happening soon!

Arctic Winter Games 2016 is already happening in six months. On this occasion, AWG2016 hosted a final rehearsal this Sunday, where up to 1000 people showed up in the center of Nuuk. The weather was uninteresting – cloudy and rainy, however this didn’t keep the many participants from making the final rehearsal an exciting and fun event!
People showed up happy and with high spirits, as good music played in the background.
The parade started in the center of Nuuk, where the participants were divided into the represented countries participating at the Arctic Winter Games in March 2016.

Join Feel Jump
A Join Feel Jump picture was taken when all the participants were gathered. Up to 1000 participants jumped at the same time, as the music was playing in the background.
From there, they walked toward the culture house Katuaq and further towards Inussivik. People were happy and greeted those they met on their way.
At Inussivik, the theme song for AWG2016 was presented on a big screen. The theme song ”We Are The Arctic” was made by the Greenlandic pop/rock band Small Time Giants. The participants received the song very well, and clapped along cheerfully.
There was also entertainment through throat singing and drum playing. There was a great atmosphere throughout the event.
Additionally, prizes were awarded to the winners of a lottery held among all the participants. The prizes included sports bags from GrønlandsBanken, a basket from Mentorix, a gift card to Pisiffik, AWG merchandize from Torrak Fashion, Bose headphones, and iPad Mini and an iPhone 6.
The actual opening ceremony will be held March 6th 2016, and already the atmosphere reveals that people are looking forward to it.